Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to remove farm solution using powershell which already has been deployed

1. First Retract Solution using the following command

Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity MySolution.wsp.

2. Run Start-SPAdminJob

3. Run Remove-SPSolution -Identity MySolution.wsp.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

How to modify non-customizable entity in MS Dynamics 2011

Sometimes we need to modify no-customizable entity in CRM 2011, Oh yeah we are facing hard time when my team is working on real estate crm when we need to customize price list item because in real estate we don't need product, we really need here Property(Plot/Apartment), so we need need to modify no-customizable entity "price item list".

In MS CRM SQL database there is a table containing settings for all entities present in the system and it is called… Entity. In this table there is a column named IsCustomizable and this is set to 0 (zero) for the PriceList entity.

Open SQL Server Management Studio
Connect to MSCRM database (not the config one, but the real one with MSCRM tables)
Run following update command:

WHERE NAME = 'ProductPriceLevel

'note: Entity is a DB synonym for MetadataScehma.Entity table
- you can update multiple column based on you need i. e IsCustomEntity

Then you can drill down to the corresponding view in the CRM / Settings / Customization / Price List Item.

When you open the entity page you can see the node for Forms and Views – not present there previously, and you can modify the view – Product Price List – Price List as any other views in the system. Add column Amount (Base), save and publish. After that you can see that there is price displayed next to each Price List Item (Product) in that particular view.